
LOITSCH, Claudia; MÜLLER, Karin; SEIFERMANN, Stephan; HENSS, Jörg; KRACH, Sebastian, JAWOREK, Gerhard, STIEFELHAGEN, Rainer: UML4ALL Syntax - A Textual Notation for UML DiagramsAccepted for publication at the ICCHP 2018

MÜLLER, Karin; PETRAUSCH, Vanessa; JAWOREK, Gerhard; HENSS Jörg; SEIFERMANN, Stephan, LOITSCH Claudia; STIEFELHAGEN, Rainer. UML4ALL: Gemeinsam in Diversity Teams Software modellieren. In: Informatik Spektrum (2017).

PETRAUSCH, Vanessa; LOITSCH, Claudia. Accessibility Analysis of the Eclipse IDE for Users with Visual Impairment. In: AAATE Conf. 2017: 922-929 [.pdf]

SEIFERMANN, Stephan; GROENDA, Henning. Survey on the Applicability of Textual Notations for the Unified Modeling Language. Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. Springer International Publishing2017, S. 3-24 [link]

PETRAUSCH, Vanessa; SEIFERMANN, Stephan; MÜLLER, Karin. Guidelines for Accessible Textual UML Modeling Notations. In: International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Springer International Publishing, 2016. S. 67-74. [.pdf]

PETRAUSCH, Vanessa. Inklusives Lehrmaterial für die Unified Modeling Language (UML). Perspektiven im Dialog: XXXVI. Kongress für Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogik, Graz: Edition Bentheim2016 [.pdf]

SEIFERMANN, Stephan; GROENDA, Henning. Survey on Textual Notations for the Unified Modeling Language. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model‐Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD). SciTePress, 2016, S. 28-39 [.pdf]

GROENDA, Henning; SEIFERMANN, Stephan; MÜLLER, Karin; JAWOREK, Gerhard. The Cooperate Assistive Teamwork Environment for Software Description Languages. Studies in health technology and informatics, 2015, 217. Jg., S. 111-118. [.pdf


SEIFERMANN, Stephan; HENSS, Jörg. Comparison of QVT-O and Henshin-TGG for Synchronization of Concrete Syntax Models. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (Bx 2017), Romina Eramo and Michael Johnson, editors, Uppsala, Sweden, 2017, volume 1827 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 6-14. 2017. [.pdf]

SEIFERMANN, Stephan; GROENDA, Henning. Towards Collaboration on Accessible UML Models. Mensch und Computer 2015–Workshopband, 2015, S. 411-417. [.pdf]

PETRAUSCH, Vanessa. Inklusives Lehrmaterial für die Unified Modeling Language (UML). Posterpräsentation XXXVI. Kongress für Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogik, 2016. [.pdf]